Creative Marketing Embraces Change

Creative Marketing Embraces Change

The Scariest Word In Business:


In 1995 when Amazon went online people were skeptical about using a credit card to make online purchases. Fast forward to the most recent Black Friday: in-store sales were eclipsed by on line sales. Now, that spells change.

Change can come from politics, natural disasters or luck (good or bad) but over the past several years every business leader has had the experience of hearing about a new technology and wondering what is coming next and how to react. This is equally true for marketing.

Let’s look at some of the ways technology has affected marketing.

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1. Access to information

Technology enables instant access to the web from the palm of your hand (or for some, your wrist). In a constantly connected world, with 24/7 access to the Internet via mobile, tablets and more, ordinary purchases take on a new paradigm. Prior to this easy access of information, sellers wielded most of the power in typical buyer/seller transactions. Access and availability to information on price, product specifications, customer satisfaction, and other details have shifted power and knowledge from sellers to buyers.

2. The way we communicate

One of the results that we could not have predicted from access to so much information was the impact that previous purchasers’ experiences would have on new, potential customers. Today, online reviews of products that others have purchased and the experience they had with the people they bought them from influence future buyers.
Remember the old adage, “if you go to a restaurant and like it you tell someone — if you go to restaurant and don’t like it you tell 10 people.” Today, that news travels halfway around the world by the time you get home from the restaurant. Reviews can make or break a new restaurant — quickly. From text, to social media, from email to Instagram and Twitter, our communications are just short of instantaneous. Businesses need to be proactive to ensure their online reputation represents them accurately and in the most favorable light.
Instead of marketing to an audience, businesses need to create content and messages for individuals inside a community. Being part of a community (not just a member) means you have a true understanding and appreciation of members’ issues and pain points. Once you’ve earned the respect of the community, you can speak with authority. And, if you’ve positioned yourself as a thought leader or Subject Matter Expert, you may find yourself in a position to offer assistance.
However, keep in mind, it’s not what you say that matters, it’s what others say about you that counts — your reputation, your reviews, your likes and your authority, your ability to maintain transparency and testimonials all help. Community influencers are invaluable. You only succeed in a community when you are perceived as being part of it.

3. Data, data everywhere

The massive amount of data that is collected online makes it possible to cost-effectively target a very specific audience and measure the results of your efforts.
Loose change by Crest Consulting

 The More Things Change…

With the changes technology has brought to marketing, the challenge for companies is:

  • To incorporate digital marketing as part of overall marketing.
  • Embrace a new set of tools to market effectively.
  • Understand the skills required for new marketing hires to be effective.
  • Implement training programs for existing staff on new marketing technologies.
  • See your marketing department as an Education Department. What used to be a ‘Sales cycle’ is now an ‘Engagement cycle.’ The customer experience begins with their first interaction with you as a prospect — and that usually takes place online. Creative marketing exemplifies what the customer experience ahead will be like.
  • Identify the need for outside experts with skills you don’t have in-house. For marketing that may include: strategy, content creation, web design, video production, blog posts, copywriting, podcasting, social media, and more.

The More They Stay The Same…

Yet for all the changes, these marketing basics remain the same:

  • Identify what makes you unique/different
  • Focus on the value you bring
  • Customers still come first
  • An educated consumer is your best customer


One thing in business is for sure — the only constant is change. 
Marketing will continue to change and successful companies will embrace these changes either by seeking outside help or figuring it out on their own. Either way, they’ll leverage change to improve their bottom line.

What have you done to address the changes in marketing? Let us know in the comments section below. A real person reads and responds to all comments.

Need help incorporating new technology into your marketing? Click here to schedule your free 30-minute marketing evaluation now.


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At Crest, we help companies:

  • Create content that separates them from their competition
  • Become subject matter experts in their field
  • Measure the effectiveness of their marketing $$
  • Generate a consistent pipeline of high-quality leads for less
  • Turn clients into evangelists