5 Social Media Management Tips You Can Use Today [free eBook]
![5 Social Media Management Tips You Can Use Today [free eBook]](https://i0.wp.com/crestconsultingllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Depositphotos_30550385_l-2015-e1457663438795.jpg?fit=500%2C499&ssl=1)
Social Media Management in 10 Minutes a Day
If you haven’t figured out how to make social media work for your company or you have a nagging feeling you should be paying more attention to it – this article is for you.
The last thing you need is more stuff to do. That’s why we’re giving you a step-by-step guide that explains how you can make social media useful for your company — without taking up too much of your time each day.
Social media in business has moved beyond the marketing department. Today, social media can provide your business a window into the thinking and behavior of customers and potential clients. In addition to getting the word out about the good things you offer, it can help you monitor the mood of your clientele and eventually be a tool to boost sales.
1. Start Small
2. Social Media for Customer Support & Service
Not too long ago, people who had a complaint – or sometimes a compliment – about your company, would pick up the phone. Now they go on Twitter. And they expect you to be watching and to respond — Fast.
More than two-thirds of people who post a complaint on Twitter expect a response within an hour from the company they are complaining about.
Source: Search Engine Watch
So in the same way you respond to a ringing telephone, you have to be watching for a mention of your business on Twitter and be ready to respond. Social Media allows you to look in on conversations about the level of service or customer satisfaction — through the eyes of your customers. Use this as an opportunity to engage with your customers.
3. Use Social Media for Market Analysis

4. Listen, React, Engage
Social media puts you in direct contact with end-users and puts end-users directly in touch with anyone in your company. If this sounds frightening, get used to it. There’s an entire generation who communicates this way and they expect to communicate with your company and your brand this way as well. Document your social media policy and expectations to the rest of the company.
When to Listen, When to React
While many social media comments fall into basic categories, each individual is unique and wants to be treated that way. Since you can’t always tell who is influential online, it’s best to treat everyone like a million-dollar customer. In the examples below, a Troll is someone who comments just to raise the ire or emotions of other readers. These are basic guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules.
When Comments are | and the facts/source is | You should |
Positive | False | Respond |
Positive | True | Listen or Respond |
Negative | Troll | Listen |
Negative | Not a Troll, a Rant or a Joke | Listen |
Negative | Not a Troll, a Not Rant or a Joke, Erroneous information | Respond |
Negative | Not a Troll, Not a Rant or a Joke, not Erroneous information | Respond |
Negative | Not a Troll, Not a Rant or a Joke, not Erroneous information, Not Unhappy | Listen |
Of course, no matter what others are saying, when you do respond it must be with respect, with facts and in a tone that reflects your company’s values. Anything you say that is rude or mean-spirited is guaranteed to be repeated, and shared, and of course remains a part of the permanent record that others can find. Always use your best judgment. When in doubt, consult someone on your team or seek legal advice if necessary. As with most emotional situations, it’s better to respond correctly than quickly.
Your Community is Speaking, Are You Listening?
If someone is saying something positive but incorrect about you, respond and correct their information. If they are negative, rude or irresponsible, you may be able to stay quiet while monitoring their interaction with others.
The world of social media is not all negative. In addition to being able to provide helpful information to someone who posts a question, you also will sometimes find that customers have praised you. You should share it through your other social media outlets, thank the person publicly and, perhaps, privately.
5. Make a Plan
Now is the time to become active on social media. If you already have a social media presence, or if you’re still contemplating one, take a moment and follow these steps to align your strategy with your goals. As with most things in business, some upfront planning pays big dividends.
- Define your strategy.
- Set measurable goals.
- Create a social media policy for your employees.
- Assign responsibilities.
- Choose two or three social media sites where your ideal customers are found.
- Create a company page on your chosen platforms.
- Share your educational content.
- Start listening, reacting and engaging with your audience.
Your approach to social media doesn’t have to be intimidating or time-consuming. There are many tools to help automate your online social media presence. Prices range from free to very expensive. (We’ll cover the most helpful ones in an upcoming guide).
Get your free copy of How to Monitor Social Media in 10 minutes a Day now and start using social media to grow your business.
What have you done to grow your business on social media? How much time are you spending on social media for your business? Let us know in the Comments section below. A real person reads and responds to all comments.
If you have any questions or want help identifying a social media routine that works for your company, contact me anytime.